Videos ビデオ
Shuji Nakamura on the US and Japanese Justice Systems
Shuji Nakamura needs no introduction. His achievement in single-handedly overcoming all technical obstacles to create the blue light diodes which have given humanity white LED light, responsible for closing many a coal-fired generator, is a monument to human persistence and pluck. I was excited and honored to be asked by multiple law firms to interpret his testimony in a recent case. My notes from one of the days say, “when he got going with his retelling of the [redacted] story he let it rip partly because he knew I was getting it across . . . ” As you can see from this short video, he speaks with the rapidity of a mind too fast for words, a challenge to any interpreter.
To achieve Nakamura’s trust in my interpreting was a high point in my career.
中村修二 は紹介するまでもないでしょう。青色ダイオードの開発への障壁を殆ど独自で克服し、その結果白いLED照明が実現でき、多数の火力発電所を建造しないで済んだ。多くの恩恵を人類にもたらした、まさに人間の粘り強さと勇気の象徴と言えるでしょう。ある裁判のための証人尋問において中村氏の通訳を複数の当事者を代理するそれぞれの法律事務所から依頼を受け、光栄と同時に高揚感を覚えました。自分の当時の作業メモには「私が彼(中村氏)の意向をちゃんと相手の伝えている事に中村氏は気づき、言いたい放題 彼はストーリーを語った」と書いてありました。この短い動画からも判るように、頭の回転が非常に早い方にありがちな早口で話されるので、どの通訳も苦労すると思いますが,私の通訳が中村氏の信頼を得ることができたのは大変嬉しい出来事です。

“Do You Know Yourself?”
Novelist Endo Shusaku (1923-1996) was well known for his novel Silence dealing with the brutal suppression of Christians in 17th century Nagasaki. I was strongly drawn to this little talk of his from the 1980s. His deadpan delivery as he describes pushing open his coffin at his own wake to say, “wait, that’s not the whole story…” conveys a beautiful humility and humor, and although somewhat meandering, he offers gems of true insight into the human soul.
(Lecture by novelist Shusaku Endo)
“Hello everyone. I’m not some august commentator with a grand theory. I’m just a novelist, so I won’t be able to talk about anything too complicated.
Today, in a bit of idle conversation, I’d like to consider with all of you, do you really know your own self?”
. . .
Because of its length, I have decided to put the transcribed lecture (in both Japanese and English) in this clickable PDF. This is an 18-page document.
. . .
Osamu Shimomura, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry
Dr. Shimomura, born in 1928, won the 2008 Nobel prize for work identifying the source of bioluminescence in a jellyfish known as a crystal jelly. Incredibly, Shimomura personally experienced the explosion of the atomic bomb in Nagasaki at the age of 17. An early scientific publication led to an invitation to work at Princeton, and a long career in the US. I have not met Dr. Shimomura, but enjoyed this description to a Japanese audience of how he made the Nobel-winning discovery and added my translation to it. He exemplifies the humor, humility, and perseverance I love in many Japanese researchers I have been lucky to meet over the years. From an interpreting standpoint, his speech is clear and precise, exactly what we hope for.
Interviews with Mikiko Tomita and Mio Yamaguchi
Here are two women ceramic artists featured in a show at Laisun Keane Gallery in Boston. I interpreted for Ms. Keane while she interviewed them.
ボストンのライスン・キーン ギャラリーの展示会を機にウェブを介してインタビューに応じた冨田さん、山口さんの通訳をさせていただきました。

“Cell -∞-”
Mikiko Tomita
By permission of the artist

Living National Treasure
Jun Isezaki and son Koichiro
From time to time I have the privilege of interpreting for Japanese artists when their work is shown in the Boston area. On this occasion the renowned Lucy Lacoste Gallery of Concord created a web event accompanying the gallery’s father and son show of ceramicist Jun Isezaki, living national treasure, and his son Koichiro. They were interviewed by another superb ceramic artist, Jeff Shapiro.

Piece by Koichiro Isezaki
Piece by Jun Isezaki
Former Japanese Prime Minister, Kakuei Tanaka, on Interpreters
Kakuei Tanaka, prime minister of Japan for only two and a half years, seems without parallel among modern Japanese politicians in his singular influence on the Japanese state during the 1960s and 70s period of rapid growth. After conviction for accepting bribes from Lockheed Aircraft for Japan’s purchase of 21 Tristar jets, Tanaka won election from his district by a greater margin than any politician in Japan. In this video with presumed fake laugh track, some of his folksy working man’s persona comes through as he nods to the role of unseen simultaneous interpreters.

Worker Sculpting a UFO at Kyoto’s Kurama Temple
Years ago I was an on-camera television reporter. I have always enjoyed interviewing people, and include here some short samples.
The first was taken at Kurama Temple in Kyoto. The journeyman is building an object which turns out to be the chariot of a Buddhist character named Goho Maoson. The reason for this shape becomes apparent as we speak.
数年前にはテレビの報道記者をしていました 。 インタビューすることは昔からすき、通訳としても行うことがあります。
ここに短いサンプルを掲示しました 。 最初のものは京都の鞍馬寺の敷地内で撮影しました 。 相手の職人さんは護法魔王尊という仏の「天車」を形作っています 。 なぜこのような形になっているのか、話しているうちに分かってきます 。

Woman Farmer In Kyoto
In the next video I get into a discussion with a woman tending her beautiful vegetable plot, also near Kyoto. The entire talk is about manure. I asked her about the generic word for manure (pronounced “foon”). From her reaction I realized later that she thought I was asking her about human manure, and that’s why she was so quick to say “oh, no…that was the old days…”
次のヴィデオでは同じ京都付近で立派な野菜畑の手入れをしてる女性の方に声をかけました 。 話の内容はすべて「糞」に関するものです 。 私は一般的な肥料の意味で聞いたつもりだったのです 。 しかし、後にヴィデオを見直したら、その方はきっと「人糞」の意味でとらえたのだと気づきました 。そのために「それは昔で、今は全然ない」と即答しました 。